- 1 c Buttermilk
- 1/2 c sugar
- 3 1/2 c flour
- 2 heaping teaspoon cream of tartar
- 1 heaping teaspoon baking soda
- 1/2 c melted butter
- 3/4 chocolate chips (or currents, or blueberries)
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My System*» The things that I do, that work for me by Eric "erich" Herberholz About Me A-List» Blogs» Portals» Social» Tagging» Twitter» Web_2.0» Updated December 11, 2008 8:37 AM US/Pacific - [blogger post|edit|internal|twitter|twitter ad] |
About / Overview
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Implementation / Tools»
Does anyone know of any more tools that would be applicable to this System? |
UNIX References» by Eric "erich" Herberholz a collection of links related to UNIX Updated March 23, 2008 6:50 PM US/Pacific - [edit|re-post|view] Blogger[1|[2],WordPress|Xanga] - twitter, jaiku, pownce |
"Unix (officially trademarked as UNIX®, sometimes also written as Unix or Unix® with small caps) is a computer operating system originally developed in 1969 by a group of AT&T employees at Bell Labs including Ken Thompson, Dennis Ritchie and Douglas McIlroy. Today's Unix systems are split into various branches, developed over time by AT&T as well as various commercial vendors and non-profit organizations." http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/UNIX |
Digitial & Web Identity in Web 2.0» by Eric Herberholz» The evolution of digital and web identity- Updated March 15, 2008 9:51 PM US/Pacific @ docs.google.com | blogger | lilurl | jaiku'd | pownce'd | twitter'd |
About Me A-List» Blogs» Portals» Social» Tagging» Twitter» Web_2.0» |
Digitial Identity
Profiles» Social» User Profiles and Web Presence» Web Identity Examples
Bookmarklets» by Eric "erich" Herberholz [edit|@blogger] Updated March 15, 2008 3:03 PM US/Pacific About Me A-List» Blogs» Portals» Social» Tagging» Twitter» Web_2.0» About Bookmarklet, in Wikipedia |