Sunday, March 30, 2008

Wild, Sexy, Chocolate Chip Scones

  • 1 c Buttermilk
  • 1/2 c sugar
  • 3 1/2 c flour
  • 2 heaping teaspoon cream of tartar
  • 1 heaping teaspoon baking soda
  • 1/2 c melted butter
  • 3/4 chocolate chips (or currents, or blueberries)
Preheat oven to 425 (F). Melt butter. Blend milk, sugar, and egg. Combine dry ingredients. In food processor, add 1/2 of the dry ingredients. Add liquid mixture. Process them to combine. Add chocolate chips. Process. Add second 1/2 of dry ingredients. Process. Dump onto floured surface. Roll to flatten into a large circle, 3/4″ think. Cut into 12 pie-shaped pieces. Put in oven onto pizza stone. Back at 425 for 12-14 minutes.
Blogged with the Flock Browser

Saturday, March 29, 2008

My System

About / Overview

  • My System» At the very core, Web 2.0» has a trait of serendipity. The trick is to manage this serendipity, either mentally and/or physically. Personally, I need to touch and feel things (kinetic learner), so I make it physical, for each subject or topic, using My Template» and tying them together with My Annotated Tag Cloud (A-List»): High-level topics / tags, that are important to me, that are linked to individual documents, on that subject. Sort of like having a personal Wikipedia

Methodologies and Practices»

  • Two Modes: Consumer or Producer
  • Active Unfocused Mind, like is done for Magic Eye images, How to See 3D, For example.
  • Put things that seem like they may be useful into your mind's buffer cache.
  • Go with the Flow. Be flexible. Be Adaptive.
  • Do not compromise personal integrity
  • Develop and maintain a Vision.
  • Communicate well with others to the best of my ability. Be empathetic. Use reflective listening. Seek first to understand, prior to being understood.
  • Experience everything, including mistakes, learn from success and failure.
  • Get in, Act, Get out.
  • Learn/Know when to be creative, and when to conform.
  • Use Intuition, but realize that nothing is intuitively obvious, at least until you have taken the time to learn the Paradigm
  • Be Open, do not pre-judge
  • Do what works for you, but keep open-minded to incremental or dramatic changes that could actually be to your benefit. Try new things out once in a while
  • Think globally, Act locally. For example.
  • Sharpen the Saw, Use the Saw, Think of creative alternatives. On the topic of Sharpening the Saw... When is it worth it to step away to sharpen the saw? How do you know if you are in-fact sharpening the saw? How often should you sharpen the saw?
  • New? Find something new and interesting? Study it for a while. A "power study", if you will. Tagging as appropriate.

Implementation / Tools»

  • Use a single starting place, called A-List, full of links to My various subjects/topics. Essentially my "Annotated Tag Cloud", or High-level topics / tags, that are important to me, that are linked to individual documents, on that subject. Sort of like having a personal Wikipedia or "tactical knowledge" base.
  • Tag things as I come across them, e.g. using and ma.gnolia, and more...
  • Record/track various subjects/topics in Google Documents (using My Template»). This allows for a somewhat structured organic growth of my personal knowledge. These Google Documents have become the core of my personal knowledge base.
    • When time doesn't allow for update of these documents, for example, I use MyStickies, to annotate each document with a sticky or two [or three =:-) ].
    • Later, if appropriate, and as time allows, the content of these stickies can get added to the document.
    • There are different levels of publishing, depending on the content and on the reader. My personal notes are done with MyStickies and with "internal" sections of documents. Sometimes the Google Documents is a high enough level, at other times GooglePages is appropriate, and at other times My Blogs are appropriate.
    • Post new items via to various microblogs, blogs and/or statuses
  • Use "keyword" feature in Firefox-based browsers. For each of my topics in my "Annotated Tag Cloud" (personal Wikipedia), add a keyword, for quick re-entrance into that document for that topic/keyword. (how to activate keyword in Flock )

Does anyone know of any more tools that would be applicable to this System?

* my list of Alpha» high-level topics, a byproduct of My_System. Sort of like having a personal Wikipedia. Each new topic is started from a template kept at Sometimes this topical document (e.g. Social») morphs (publishes elsewhere) e.g. on googlepages, my Word Press Blog, lilurl, jaiku'd, twitter'd, zoho, etc.

Sunday, March 23, 2008

UNIX References

UNIX References»
by Eric "erich" Herberholz Eric Herberholz View Eric Herberholz's profile on LinkedIn
a collection of links related to UNIX
Updated March 23, 2008 6:50 PM US/Pacific - Bookmark and Share
[edit|re-post|view] Blogger[1|[2],WordPress|Xanga] - twitter, jaiku, pownce
"Unix (officially trademarked as UNIX®, sometimes also written as Unix or Unix® with small caps) is a computer operating system originally developed in 1969 by a group of AT&T employees at Bell Labs including Ken Thompson, Dennis Ritchie and Douglas McIlroy. Today's Unix systems are split into various branches, developed over time by AT&T as well as various commercial vendors and non-profit organizations."

UNIX References»

UNIX References»
"Unix (officially trademarked as UNIX®, sometimes also written as Unix or Unix® with small caps) is a computer operating system originally developed in 1969 by a group of AT&T employees at Bell Labs including Ken Thompson, Dennis Ritchie and Douglas McIlroy. Today's Unix systems are split into various branches, developed over time by AT&T as well as various commercial vendors and non-profit organizations."
Blogged with the Flock Browser

Saturday, March 15, 2008

What's a good bug tracking platform, for a WordPress blog site?

As we are planning on switching from Roller blog to WordPress blog, at work, and we would like to use a good bug tracking platform/community.

What's a good one and why?

NOTE: here's a small list of potential candidates, that I came up with: [Bugzilla,Drupal,GetSatisfaction,phpBB,Ning]
Blogged with the Flock Browser

Saturday, March 8, 2008

Digitial Identity and Web Identity, in Web 2.0

Digitial & Web Identity in Web 2.0»
by Eric Herberholz» Eric Herberholz View Eric Herberholz's profile on LinkedIn
The evolution of digital and web identity-
Updated March 15, 2008 9:51 PM US/Pacific
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@ | blogger | lilurl | jaiku'd | pownce'd | twitter'd
About Me A-List» Blogs» Portals» Social» Tagging» Twitter» Web_2.0»
Digitial Identity
  • OpenID: - what-is-openid?
    • "OpenID is a single sign-on system, which allows internet users to log on to many different web sites using a single digital identity, eliminating the need for a different user name and password for each site. OpenID is a decentralized, free and open standard that lets users control the amount of personal information they provide."
  • ClaimID: - what is claimid?
    • "ClaimID is a free and easy way to set yourself up with an OpenID", "One of the greatest things about having a claimID page is that you can easily provide people searching for you with a real picture of your identity. With claimID you can claim your blog, your website and news articles that mention your name into a central place."
    • Eric Herberholz
  • MicroID:
    • "MicroID is a lightweight identity layer for the web, invented by Jeremie Miller (creator of Jabber). MicroID enables anyone to claim verifiable ownership over content hosted anywhere on the web (social networking sites, discussion forums, blogs, etc.)."



User Profiles and Web Presence»

Web Identity Examples

Sunday, March 2, 2008


by Eric "erich" Herberholz Eric Herberholz View Eric Herberholz's profile on LinkedIn
[edit|@blogger] Updated March 15, 2008 3:03 PM US/Pacific
About Me A-List» Blogs» Portals» Social» Tagging» Twitter» Web_2.0»
About Bookmarklet, in Wikipedia
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