Tara "miss rogue" Hunt (Marketing Lead, Intuit Partner Platform), tells us that Whuffie* is a word/concept used in Cory Doctorow's Down and Out in the Magic Kingdom**.
The Whuffie Factor book will be in stores April 21st. See TheWuffieFactor.com
My notes on Tara's presentation...
- Turn that Bullhorn Around
- If you use a bullhorn to communicate, people plug their ears. So, the solution is to listen, instead.
- For example, Jeff Jarvis got mad at Dell and said "DELL SUCKS. DEkjmkjjmkmjLL LIES. Put that in your Google and smoke it Dell!". And he put together Dell Hell. Lionel Menchaca of Dell turned Dell's bullhorn around, and by so doing, turned around Dell's Whuffie Deficit
- Become Part of the Community You Serve
- Get out of the boardroom, and get into the community. Who do you serve? Where are they?
- Join the community, don't be a salesman, don't be a spy.
- Create Amazing Customer Experiences
- 10 things you can do to create amazing experiences:
- The Dazzle is in the details - e.g. Moleskine notebooks, customers love this product and do amazing things with them
- Go Above and Beyond - e.g. TED conference, magical moments from when you arrive until when you leave
- Appeal to Emotion - e.g. Vosges Chocolate, the journey through Japan to gather the ingredients were described by the person behind the counter.
- Inject Fun into the Experience - e.g. Flickr had fun when they had a "denial of service" attack, they put up a coloring contest, labeled "our tubes are clogged" (Talk Like a Pirate Day)
- Make Something Mundane Fashionable - e.g. Method Home products, house cleaning products, "People against dirty"
- Let People Personalize - e.g. moo cards, that can include a picture that you took, so people will know what you are interested in
- Be Experimental - e.g. someone at threadless made a suggestion: make a bumper sticker called "IParkLikeAnIdiot", and they said, "yeah, let's do it"
- Simplify - e.g. 37 signals, made a process simpler
- Make Happiness Your Business Model: increase autonomy, competence and relatedness - e.g. This is Zappos' business model
- Be a Social Catalyst, e.g. community.intuit.com - customers help each other
- Embrace the Chaos
- Benefits of Embracing the Chaos
- you'll be better prepared for the unexpected
- you'll join in the conversation that is already happening and be welcomed for this move
- it will bring in the opportunity for collaboration
- it will make your ideas stronger
- it will create supporters you didn't know you had
- Find Your Higher Purpose
- 5 Gifts to give that won't leve you broke:
- Do well by doing good
- Think Customer-Centrically
- Help Others Go Further
- Spread Love (akoha.com has a pay it forward feature)
- Value Something Bigger [than you sell]
* "Whuffie has replaced money, providing a motivation for people to do useful and creative things. A person's Whuffie is a general measurement of his or her overall reputation, and Whuffie is lost and gained according to a person's favorable or unfavorable actions." Wikipedia
** No longer in print, available for free download in many formats at: craphound.com/down/download.php
The presentation is available under www.slideshare.net/missrogue (i.e. whuffie-at-web-20-expo)...
Whuffie at Web 2.0 Expo
View more presentations from Tara Hunt.
The Whuffie Factor: The 5 Keys for Maxing Social Capital and Winning with Online Communities (Tara Hunt) from Steffan Antonas on Vimeo.
My Delicious tags: Social, OnlineCommunities, Community, Marketing, Whuffie, w2e, web2expo, dell, moleskine, methodhome, moocard, 37signals, threadless, zappos, intuit, vosges, chaos, WhuffieFactor
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1 comment:
Awesome notes, Eric! Thanks for posting this! :)
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