Thursday, February 28, 2008

Search Add-ons»

Search Add-ons» As Researched by Eric Herberholz» Eric Herberholz Bookmark and Share Digg! Add this blog to my Technorati Favorites!
Updated February 28, 2008 8:02 PM US/Pacific @My Blogger Blog, @twitter, @jaiku [ edit | internal ]

Highly Recommended: If you install and configure CustomizeGoogle, you can get additional links to other web search sites. For example:

Without CustomizeGoogle's "add links to other web search sites" Preference*:

With CustomizeGoogle's "add links to other web search sites" Preference*, notice the "Try your search on" below "Web" and before the "Do you mean":

* CustomizeGoogle's "add links to other web search sites" Preference:

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Sunday, February 17, 2008

HP-UX on the Internet»

Advice», Basic Troubleshooting», Duplicate», HP-UX Mentoring», HP-UX Skills», HP-UX_Troubleshooting_Skills», HP-UX_References»,
HP-UX on the Internet», HP-UX on the Intranet», HP-UX Troubleshooting Commands»

* site map, ITRC requires user login, with user profile linked to a valid support agreement id (SAID)

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Twitter, Jaiku, Jott, Plazes, Tumblr, Yurbo, and More

"Jaiku is a micro-blogging and social networking",
crunchbase on jaiku
"Seattle based Jott offers a novel and convenient service that lets users speak messages; those can be sent to themselves or others as a transcribed emails or voice messages."
crunchbase on jott
Plazes - "The idea behind the service is for everyone to be able to track the places, activities and people in their lives." <>
"Tumblr is a re-envisioning of tumblelogging, a subset of blogging that uses quick, mixed-media posts."
crunchbase on tumblr
"Twitteris social networking and micro-blogging site that allows users to post their latest updates. An update is limited by 140 characters and can be posted through three methods: web form, text message, or instant message."
crunchbase on twitter
Yurbo is a blog and allows for posting via IM
Read more..
Blogged with the Flock Browser

Monday, February 4, 2008

Tumblr - Web 2.0 Feature of the Week

  • Tumblr is a feed aggregator, of up to 5 feeds/postings, all tumbled togetiher. For example feeds of blogs, favorites, magnolia links, twitter, jaiku, flickr, Picasa, and more.For example:
For more, see here.
Blogged with the Flock Browser

Saturday, February 2, 2008

How about an anagram of my name? Hirer Belch Zero

Anagrams of:

Blogged with the Flock Browser